Lentic = Situated in still, fresh water

Not exactly lentic, but we were near water today at Fremantle boat harbour, Chris & Emma's last day with us, they fly home tomorrow.
We had lunch at little creatures brewery they both loved it there.

Later we went to Yanchep National Park to see the Koalas and kangaroos, you can't come half way across the world and not see one or two of those.

By 6pm the rest of our family arrived for a BBQ and a catch up, it's alway good to see them all together, our Grandies playing ball games and chasing each other so excited being together.
Our own big kids greeted Chris and Emma, very soon it was as if they had never been apart, they fitted like a hand in a glove, in fact Chris said when we got home how great it was to be together with his cousins who he hadn't seen since Chris was around 11 years old,
Just goes to show family is family no matter how great the distance or how many years pass by, they can easily pick up just where they left off.

There is talk of them coming out here again, we hope it's not too long before that happens.
We will be up early in the morning to take them both to the airport and then there will be a long flight ahead for them.

They will soon be home Anniemay!
We are going to miss them for sure.

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