
By SuffolkBumble

March 28th 2009 - Jump!

I woke up in pain today! The sun burn on my face was hurting just by the air brushing against it and so I decided that drastic measures were needed – the sun would not touch my face today. I started the day as I meant to go on and so headed to breakfast with a t shirt over my head. I spent the morning relaxing, checking the football on the internet and buying a massive hat – now I don’t need to walk around with a t shirt over my head.

After a lunch of shrimp soup and shrimp and rice (consisting of about 4 shrimp) I headed to the beach to find some shade and relax. I spent the afternoon trying to learn some more Danish, watching Mia, Sara, Camilla and Louise St lose to some locals at EcuaVolley and listening to the blaring music from the bar. After a quick break for ice creams a few of us went back to the beach for sunset. The sunset was beautiful – this picture of Mia, Sara, Katja, Louise St and Christine making for, in my opinion anyway, a lovely blip. Oh why can’t life be one continuous magical sunset on the Montañita beach?

We had tea at a pizza place with a varied set of topics of conversation. We ordered a second pizza (giving myself and Josefine a chance to pick up our custom shorts) and then Hilde, Josefine, Sally, Maïté and I headed out for dessert. I decided not to drink tonight so I ordered a Bomba Bombe juice and a chocolate nutella pancake. The pancake was huge – fused together with marshmallows and topped was more marshmallows, nuts, chocolate sauce, ice cream and strawberries. It is the future of pancakes.

We then headed to Hola Ola for more live music, and whilst the music wasn’t too good we were kept entertained by the fat American’s trying to dance. I was offered drugs a couple of times, which prompted a funny comment from Katja (which may not be suitable for the family friendly audience of blip) – she was on fire tonight, definitely got to get her drunk again!

We then went to the club from the other night which was hilarious. The sober five of myself, Hilde, Louise St, Chloe and Maïté stormed to the dancefloor when ‘Don’t You Want To Be My Girl’ came on (even though it was empty at the time) and the dancing carried on for a while afterwards. The Drunk Trio (Mia, Sara and Katja) then started tickle attacks, yelling at people to drink before collapsing on the beds in the club for various conversations, zombie like staring and dancing. I left with Louise St and Katja at about half 3 in the morning having had a tremendous night.

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