Loooooooooooooong day

The Munchie alarm went off at 5:30, slightly annoying as although daddy has got up at this time all week, this morning he had agreed to get up when we woke!

Managed to stay in bed till about 7:30, then headed downstairs for breakfast etc. got dressed and went swimming

Some might consider going swimming when on bed rest slightly mad but having weighed it all up I concluded the minimum of two hours sleep I would get as a direct outcome from it, was worth it. The swimming instructor was fab and used Charlotte as her demonstrator loads which gave me lots of mini breaks.

Yes, I was tired after it, but we survived. Walking blip is of Charlotte enjoying the freshly cut grass at the pool.

Lunch followed big sleep. She was ravenous.

Lee's cousins wife and their two children came over to see us in the afternoon, great to see them, although Charlotte decided to spend the time spluttering and sneezing? (They do have a dog and I do wonder if this was the cause, because after they left, so did the sneezes!) Archer is just four months and weighs the same as Charlotte was when she was 16 months.

The final two blips are from my bump shoot, was trying to do something clever this pm, not quite worked out but thought I would share them on blip now that we own the images.

Another scan tomorrow. nervous.com

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