Brilliant Skyline

Today we visited the Greenwich. The Cutty Sark in her newly refurbished state, raised above the ground so you could walk underneath her, was spectacular. Looking out across the Thames from her deck, you got a real sense of history of the Thames docks. After eating our sandwiches outside in the grounds of Greenwich Royal Naval College (where we could faintly hear the sound of band practice) we visited the Maritime Museum and then walked up through the park to the Royal Observatory.

This is the view of the London skyline from the Observatory. I was mesmerised by the variety of the architecture, and the many historic and famous land marks. The beautiful Greenwich Naval College to the fore, the sky-scrapers of Canary Wharf behind, the Millennium Dome, the new cable cars across the Thames, the Olympic stadium...the list goes on.

Afterwards we trundled out way home on the Docklands Light Railway, the tube, and then walked across Richmond Green. A brilliant day.

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