
By Technophobe

I am a rock

It's been a long old day. Set off from home at about 8 am, and due to a combination of heavy traffic in Stratford and LooseCanon's inability to resist a few pence off a litre of fuel, we took about an hour to get to Longbridge island about 10 mins from home. Flew to Reykjavik in brilliant sunshine most of the way but ran into the most awful weather here in Iceland. It's forecast to be the same all the time we're here too so I'm not holding my breath waiting for the Northern Lights.
We both had to grab possible Bliportunities by stopping at the side of the road and taking a quick shot of anything likely, before we got drenched. So we didn't do too badly considering.
There are strong sulphurous whiffs all over the place here, even when you turn the hot tap on, which has led to both of us making false accusations about each other's state of health until we realised it was probably geothermal activity.
Hope to see a bit more of the scenery tomorrow if the mist clears.

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