
By Cr055ie

Redshank Romeo?

Well another load of stuff has gone to the Seal Sanctuary Charity Shop. The de cluttering is going slowly but in the right direction. Then breakfast out at the wonderful Linkage Green.

The afternoon was well spent but a bit of a write off as far a photography was concerned. One of the girls had their annual review which went really well but took the best part of the afternoon.

A walk on the beach whilst dinner was cooking and I managed to snap a couple of bird pictures. This pretty redshank that I think may be in full breeding plumage (I am pr4epared for others to tell me otherwise as I am no birdwatcher!), and a stunning curlew. Both birds are at amber RSBP Status. I have seen so many this year that I take it for granted that they will always be there.

Then this evening taking some more practice still life shots for my wedding shoot. I've got a few ideas of what I would like to do now, and I am getting the ring for a couple of days to be able to do it.

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