Simply no place like home

Around 3am this morning they took me off the drips, so lovely to be able to go for a wee without having to buzz someone to unhook me!

I was on hourly obs throughout the night so sleep was a bit short in supply, but I cannot fault the care I have recieved.

Breakfast was brought to me at 6:30, with the incentive, eat this, if levels are up you are one step nearer going home. Complete both challenges set and we will bleep the consultant to come and see if you can go home.


Around 7:45 they did my levels and as they were up, one hurdle down. Next hurdle, rid body of ketones. How? Drink 2 litres of squash by 9:00!

This wasn't as bad as the eating task, I just drank and wee'd knowing if I could do this I could go home.

Result. Consultant was happy. Lee was on his way. I was going home.

Charlotte fell asleep on the way to get me, she slept all the way home too! Lee suggested family sleep - bliss! For an hour we were all cuddled up in bed, together. He then took charlotte to her room and left me to sleep.

Very quiet afternoon, lots of charlie and Lola. Lots of cuddles. Grandma here for the night as lee has had to head up to Sellafield for 8am meeting.

On bed rest for the week, hoping to be allowed back to work next week, but newt is and will come first!

It's been one hell of a weekend!

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