
By Transitoire

Strange Building

This is one of Warwick's many buildings whose function I am uncertain of. I am also unsure as to what the bricks that stick out are meant to represent. I would not like to attempt to climb it, using them as footholds. I'm guessings it's just for aesthetic appeal, as seen on this photograph.

Today was long, beginning with a seminar, then continuing with working with the French department until half past four.

Circles in the evening was a bit of a riot, as we had two sports teams circling together, Mixed Hockey and Floorball. I have to say, I'm glad to be in Floorball rather than Mixed Hockey...we were not a fan of some of their people. But it was a good night, even though we didn't so much mix as keep as far away from each other as possible once the circling part of the evening had ended! Pre-drinks with Lara and Rachel was more fun I must admit...

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