The Eye of the Beholder

Just a feral pigeon sitting by the river near the city centre, but what lovely colours!
I was on a mission today to find the trees for our garden - the landscaping work was completed today, so it's a green light for planting. I was delighted to find both of them at one garden centre, which was quite a way off, but they also had quite a few of the other plants we hadn't managed to find. As a bonus, I heard a pair of chiffchaffs calling in the car park - my first of the year. As I had seen reports of Sand Martins in the area, I decided to go down to the River Don in town to see if any had arrived at their usual nesting sites along the river wall. No joy, but it was a very pleasant walk and it was easy to retreat to a coffee bar and ultimately a bus stop to avoid the worst of a couple of heavy showers.
Just looking back, I noticed we had heavy snow on this day a year ago. Not out of the woods yet!

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