Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Look Up!

It certainly pays you to look up when you're walking around Melbourne. Some of the most exquisite "Street Art" is located well above eye level. This wonderfully mystical image of a woman is located in Johnston Street Fitzroy and is well hidden in the lane way. You really need to pay attention even when you know the address of the building.

Adnate is the artist and he is famous for his Street Art, not just in Melbourne but throughout the world. We were very pleased to track this particular piece down. I had seen an image of it on the web but no address to indicate where it was. I noticed the name on the old building - Rusden Birrell and Co Pty Ltd - with a little bit of detective work and the help of the internet we were able to establish its location. It was quite a thrill when we actually found the building and in turn the art work. I was astonished at the size of it, taking up the whole side of the building.

My brother Al has peaked my interest in the "Street Art" in Melbourne and once you start paying attention you will find wonderful examples of it in the most surprising places.

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