Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Dim Sim Heaven!

If you're a foodie and I there's no doubt I am then Melbourne is one huge "Treasure Chest" just waiting to be opened up and explored. Today I was keen to take CCN to the South Melbourne Markets. I had been there a couple of years ago with her son and daughter-in-law who are both chefs and they had introduced me to one of Melbourne's institutions.

The red awning simply said "DIM SIMS" Est. 1949 - Now that didn't give much away but the long queue down the street did. This simple market stall was established just after the second world war and has been trading in Dim Sims ever since.

There's a wonderful ritual that happens here. You join the long queue and gradually shuffle to the front line. You very respectfully stand back about 3 metres from the stall until you are called up by one of the lovely girls serving behind the counter. This means that people walking by don't have to fight with those waiting to buy their Dim Sims. I had to smile when an elderly and quite innocent lady walked straight up to the counter - in effect jumping the queue. She was very politely but sternly told, "No, no no, you must join the end of the queue"!! The fellow behind me who had very kindly been giving me the history of the stall said "You only try that once"!!!

Oh, and the verdict was - absolutely delicious. Well worth the wait.

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