Pelicans on the Brain Today

More handsome.

I never realized how endearing these prehistoric-looking creatures could be. It must be something in the eyes or that funny waddle that they have. Maybe it's the gentle nature of the ones that are so used to mingling with us humans... I don't really know what it is, or really understand it, but they are just the cutest things in person... REALLY! Yesterday, I was squatting down to shoot an image of one on the beach and it just stood, 2 feet or less, in front of me as I talked to it. It studied me with its clear brown eyes and I'm sure it thought I was off my rocker, but it won my heart instantly. :))

We found our way to a spot that the pelicans seem to like to land in the trees. I put several shots on flickr - a couple show close-ups of the pelicans in the trees and one shot of the whole tree with 10 pelican in it. (Can you find all 10?) Strangest thing to see...

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