
I read a lot of posts today about International Day of Happiness (earthdreamer's post kicked it off). Around here (US) Hallmark has the monopoly on our holidays... :-/ But I can get into the spirit.

I'm still down with a cold, so getting out and helping someone else gain a little happiness may have to wait (I would probably just infect them-don't think that's the idea...). So I guess I'll share a little about what makes me happy. If you are interested:

1) My husband (and no, he didn't want his picture taken today).
He makes me smile all the time. Not the first go-around for either of us, but sometimes it takes another try to get it right. We've been together 13+ years now and I think we got it right.

2) My family. We don't live close enough for me to blip them today. But close enough that we get to visit some... but I do wish it were more often.

3) Our dogs. Yes, they were available for a photo, but neither would cooperate today. Even that made me smile... ridiculous antics to avoid the camera...

4) Bird blips. I've been enjoying that so much. Today however, it was really hard to convince myself that I wanted to sit out in the cold - bundled up with a box of tissues at my side. The sneezing and coughing would have scared the birds away anyway.

5) A good book in front of the fire. So, after all of the above, especially today, I would say that curling up with a book makes me smile.

I'll work on passing a smile on to someone else as soon as I am less contagious.

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