No Flash Photography, please!

"The only time she ever points a camera at me is when she hasn't taken anything suitable to blip"

With the prospect of mum coming out of hospital at the weekend, she was disappointed to learn, a week after her accident that her right fore-arm is broken.

She complained of pain at the time, but it was mostly ignored. Over the past three days, the arm has become more bent - banana like - and today my concerns were addressed and x-rays taken.

I accompanied mum from the ward to the plaster room and asked to see the x-rays. The doctor had written fracture to the Ulna, but even to my inexperienced eye it was obvious the fracture was to the Radius bone.

She is unable to use the arm to support herself walking with her Zimmer frame, so her departure home will be delayed and she will need a carer to help with dressing, cooking etc.

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