Do you mind!

Is nowhere private anymore since I discovered blip?

Interesting to see how the digital age has changed our values regarding what we are willing to record and share. I don't recall the exact figures, but it was a remarkably high percentage of people who admitted to taking pictures of themselves naked, mobile phones of course being the catalyst for this behaviour. What I don't recall was any mention of the demographics of the people surveyed. I imagine though that this behaviour is more predominant amongst the younger generation which is really quite a worry. I don't think they realize how easy it is for this stuff to spread if it gets into the wrong hands. As someone far wittier than me commented the other day, 'at least when we did stupid things, the internet wasn't there to share it with the world'.

On the plus side, I do think that in moderation, this liberation is a good thing. I recall being on holiday in Denmark about 15 years ago. We were on the beach with Danish friends. I did the usual dance under a towel as a I tried to slip out of my undies and into a swimming costume without letting my little man see the view. Our Danish friends on the other hand, just got undressed and slipped into their costume. It was all over in a flash. No one batted an eyelid and you know who looked stupid? It certainly wasn't them.

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