The Morning Rhythm

It always surprises me how hard it is to shift rhythms in life but how easy it is to adapt to a new one when you do. During the beginning of the winter I was enjoying commuting on the train and spending time writing, a little creative oasis at the start and end of the working day. As work got harder and the stints in the office grew longer I became frustrated at the loss of flow with the words and so changed the rhythm, reluctantly, to read instead. I got lost in a couple of good books and it was then an effort to give that up in favour of cycling to work. Now I'm doing that regularly I really miss it if circumstances prevent me. A few months ago it required a huge effort of will to get the bike out but now it seems the most natural thing in the world. I really have no interest in catching the train. With these kinds of views on my ride in I guess it is easy to understand why.

The only problem is that with an early start and a late return, by the time I've bathed, blipped and eaten it is time for bed! It was a bit of a nightmare of a day at work, all sorts of issues appearing out of nowhere. I feel completely drained by it all. But whether all those problems get solved or not I've only got two more days before I escape for a long weekend. It cannot happen soon enough!

PS No.2 son's first day of filming today. It's been a very big day for him. He's been offered - and accepted - the second team captaincy at Ben Rhydding Cricket Club for the coming season. Very proud of the lad at the moment.

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