"Busy on the land" ...
... and in the air.
This scene is very typical of the activity at this time of year all around the East Neuk of Fife where I live. All of a sudden the brown soil in the ploughed fields is being cultivated and crops are being sown.
More or less gone are the discs , harrows , rollers etc that did a single job and required repeated passages over the fields - something I used to spend my Easter holidays doing when I was a boy on the farm - nowadays these powerful tractors are doing many jobs at once and often have equipment mounted on the front as well. My poor little Grey Fergie tractor would have collapsed if it had to lift some of that equipment let alone pull it through the soil!
The gulls certainly appeared to be having a great feast and were not too perturbed by the tractor, staying fairly close to it most of the time.
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