Day Off

Hmm a day off work. Started as such with a little trip to a toddler group to wish one of Arwen's friends a happy second birthday. This little boy was born a couple of weeks after my first antenatal appointment when I was expecting Arwen. And now he's two!
Later in the morning I met with a council social enterprise advisor to discuss plans for preschool. There's so much to take in, it's all so new to me. After lunch a photographer from a local paper visited to talk about my other blip journal (more of that over there).
Then it was time to go get the other girls from pre-school and school. I had a meeting almost an hour long after school with Grace's teachers and a lady from the council advisory service who does the equivalent of my job in this county. It was very surreal being on the other side, from a parent's perspective. We've come up with ideas to try at school and the next steps to take for us as parents. And so it was home for tea and then a short run to the village hall to take Grace and her friend to their Beavers troupe meeting. Yes. Another relaxing day off. And this picture? Well between all that I didn't really get a chance to get the camera out, so I took a photo tonight of this packet of delicious creme egg biscuits that a friend (the mother of the two year old in fact!) had bought for me :)

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