What ARE the chances of getting mugged?

I ponder this question every time I go rambling around our local environment in the dark with my camera. Then I think - camera and tripod together, if swung with some vigour, could probably disable an assailant long enough to scream and run :-) Ever the optimist.

My list of jobs today read something like this:

Nurse my Marsala induced hangover (thanks Dad!)
Pick up my dummy and put it back in.
Pick up my toys and put them back in my pram.
Clean bathroom.
Turn house into Widow Twanky's laundry.
Colour my hair (no greys, just bored with it!)
Do Sunday dinner (roast chicken, roast potatoes - in goose fat, pigs in blankets and stuffing)
Print Christmas cards
Mark some work.
Take some photos.

Done everything except marking work. Hey ho.

Thank you to everyone for your comments last night - it was nice to read them this morning when I recovered from drinking a little too much for me (in relative terms, any other adult would probably look at what I did drink and question why I had a hangover, but given that I have drunk very very little in the past 3 months, a couple of units of alcohol makes me rosey cheeked and squiffy!). I WAS hurt and angry. But, life is too short, and I don't want to waste my energy on something like that - the people who matter are the one's who I listen to and who's opinion I trust and value.

the photos I would have posted last night! (scroll back through on the stream link on the right - you will find the alternatives I could have chosen from for tonight as well, if you're interested).

Again, thanks. You're all bloomin' marvellous.

Off to watch X-Factor results with James (I never thought I would admit to sitting and watching it, but its all in the name of time with Jimbo! Honest)

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