Berhills Farm

I found myself returning from the shops with my groceries along the old canal and river path. Just a week or two ago this would have been impossible without waders or at least industrial wellies, but already the mud was drying out and the path was quite easy. I only had my compact Tough as I hadn't expected to be taking photographs, but I took this as I approached Berhills Farm, where the disused canal disappears and the Marden snakes away towards Black Dog.


Blip #1206
Consecutive Blip #068
Day #1445

Berhills Farm series
River Marden series

Saturday 8 March 2014: Smokey 1534 hr (posted 17 March 2014)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Incredible String Band - The Water Song (recorded December 1967)
From The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter, possibly their finest album. With Dolly Collins on flute organ on this track, along with some water effects, I replayed this album on this afternoon.

One year ago: Plum Wine

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