St. Wulstans

Grim 4 o clock daddy calls. I managed to get her back to sleep (ish) twice but the third time I gave in and we toddled back to our bed. She dozed then rearranged us in bed before going to sleep till 6:15. iPad was employed as was the box of toys that had been sorted.

Daddy and Charlotte headed down for breakfast, I was good for nothing apart from sleep.

Daddy headed off shooting, we played. Took an hour to get her to have a sleep, she was tired and was happy to lie on her bed, she just wasn't so keen on the sleeping part. Eventually she slept.

Played in the garden for ages, even cracked open the suntan lotion!

Headed out for a walk to st. Wulstans, nature reserve. Very quiet, lovely trike ride / push for Munchie. Couldn't choose which picture I liked the most so you get all five!

Hideous week for both of us. Two parents evenings for me so have godmothers on standby pick up duty, lee down London way tomorrow and Tuesday, possibly up north Wednesday.

Night all

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