Busy day

After being sick at one am, Charlotte was awake and bouncy at 6:30am... Thank goodness for the iPad.
By 8:00am she had played, eaten her breakfast and gone down for morning sleep. Lee and I then did 101 jobs. Her car seat now looks decidedly less snot smeared, Lee collected our eBay win - little tikes climbing tower with slide and put it together as well as washing and all the other jobs that just ended up being left all week.
Charlotte was very excited to play in the garden on her new climbing frame / slide. She is pretty fearless about going down the slide which is good and bad equally. Harold kept coming over to see what was what.
THe second picture is in marks and Spencer's coffee shop having afternoon tea. Very civilised. Charlotte was very taken with auntie squareys necklace and quickly worked out how to get it over her head to wear it.
Tired tonight, lee gone to the stranglers gig in brum, I need to do work but currently contemplating ordering an Indian!

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