
By Mikey88


Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Had a bit of discomfort from where I damaged my ribs last week - it was particularly uncomfortable in my normal sleep position for a couple of nights, so I have been really tired and haven't felt like taking pictures.

Feeling much better now and spotted this ladybird while I was doing a bit of weeding this morning. It was sitting there in the sun and the warmth seemed to wake it up a bit. it wandered around the branch and crawled on to the leaf, where it hunkered down and seemed to go back to sleep.

I continued weeding, had lunch, went for a bike ride and then came back to cook the Sunday tea. I'm going out photographing early tomorrow morning - my friend Ian is coming to pick me up at about quarter to six to try and catch the sunrise. Our respective spouses think we're borderline insane.

Hope you've all had a great weekend with all this sunny weather.

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