Killing time

Mum's Glasgow 2014 audition today. We rather bizarrely bumped into an ex-colleague of mine at the auditions and the thought of my mum and this woman prancing about together is just too surreal to think about for too long. My sis-in-law was there as well. Scotland is a tiny country.

I killed some time waiting for her at Starbucks in the Science Centre, then had a bit of a wander outside. The blip shows the BBC building just along from the Science Centre.

By the time I got home my darling, gorgeous eldest was home from cub camp looking indescribably well from having spent two nights in the fresh air with his pals. He was positively glowing and it was lovely to see. It was even lovelier seeing him fresh out of the bath, washed clean of dirt accumulated over two days and nights of not bothering to change out of his clothes (at least we took him for his swimming assessment yesterday morning - I dread to think what state he'd be in if we hadn't done that).

I don't think I've ever spent two whole days and nights wearing exactly the same clothes. But then I'm not a manky, little boy that revels in mud, farts and bogies (kinda wish I was though - looks fun).

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