Village Green Preservation Society
I can get taken out to lunch any time as long as I cycle there. Today we went to Stratford for lunch via Welford on Avon which is a pretty village about five miles from home.
Welford has this impressive Maypole on a little area of grass in the centre of the village. I assume they dance around it on Mayday morning and get up to all sorts of rural activities collectively known as fertility rites. I suppose I should go back then, but I'm not getting up at dawn to get the blip.
Stratford was heaving with tourists, today being one of the first sunny weekends of the year. We thought of having lunch at the Cox's Yard area by the River Avon. The place we wanted to go to told us they were a 'restaurant' and only did full meals. They looked at our Lycra cycling kit, not sweaty, immaculately laundered by me, and rather snootily suggested we might like to find 'a cafe'. I'm tempted to name and shame them.
So we did find a 'cafe' and much friendlier they were too.
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