Alone again (aw)

One way or another, it's pretty rare that I'm alone in the cottage. For a start, there are usually one or two nights a week when I'm not even here and then the rest of the time there might be any combination of (my) children staying over. Today, for example, Dan walked down after school and we had a bite to eat and watched an episode of Doctor Who together. Some time around six o'clock, his mum picked him up and, suddenly, I found I was on my tod.

When in doubt, nap: I put my head down for twenty minutes or so but then I was wide awake and invigorated, so I lit the fire and some candles, put on some food and cleaned the kitchen. That done, I turned the chicken, slung in a couple of burgers and went to clean the bathroom. By the time the food was ready, the fire had warmed the room and I settled down to do a bit of reading and writing.

Looking at this photo, I could have usefully spent some time tidying in here, too, but that part of the evening was passed. The more observant of my small but cherished group of long-suffering blog followers will notice that the Rolf Harris picture has been replaced by The Minx's 'The Conductor'. This was not a demotion for Rolf per se, who has moved to the other end of the room, but the arrival of The Minx's drawing presented an opportunity for a move around. (The other pictures are an Underground map from 1933 and a piece of art based around a Kraftwerk track.)

After that, I happily spent the evening looking at photos, writing and bobbing in and out of Twitter and Facebook. I'm not a massive fan of the latter but my friend Olivia posted a link to this video of Morrissey playing 'Maladjusted' live and I swear I've listened to it fifteen or twenty times, this evening. It's simply glorious.

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