Entertainment centre

As a rule, I am a technology fan but one area that leaves me cold is TV. I mean, I don't own one, anyway, so I'm not exactly a prime candidate for keeping any eye on the evolving facilities and picture quality. When I went to my friend Mark's recently and saw his, frankly, enormous 4K television I was absolutely taken aback by the quality of the picture. In fact, in an odd way, it made me feel a bit nauseous.

I am currently working my way through the sublime 'West Wing' with the Minx, which we watch on her MacBook, and this evening Dan, Abi and I watched the second Harry Potter film on a Chromebook. I can honestly say that I'm perfectly happy watching a good story on a laptop monitor and wouldn't prefer to watch on a big TV screen. Which is kind of odd because I bloody love watching stuff at the cinema.

But I guess the bottom line is that if there's a good story, well written and acted, then I'm happy.

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