
By mollymay49

Scialytic = Dispelling shadows

(Apologies to fifetourer, Picturemull and Doingok who left lovely comments on my previous image today)
I changed my blip this evening after watching this glorious sunset, it lasted all of 10 minutes if that, it was changing each shot I took of it.

After a rainy start this morning in some suburbs, (our suburb got very little) the Scialytic clouds hung around all day, I felt sure there would be no reasonable sunset tonight.
I walked down to the Marina by lunchtime today to take a shot of the Dispelling shadows from the dark clouds over the Marina, and the boats, and I published it soon after, and then this happened.
This is a first for me to change my mind on something once it's made up but??? I think I made the right choice today. Apologies again for those who saw the previous blip and left comments it was very much appreciated.

I collected the boys Koen and Jacob from school this afternoon.
Their parents our Daughter Sara & Cobey are now in Melbourne for the weekend they arrive back on Monday, we have the two Grandies staying with us for the weekend.
Also our youngest son Gareth is coming up for the weekend and staying with us with two more Grandies Keely and Jaxon, looks like we have a full house, do kids ever leave home?? :-))

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