
By mollymay49


I picked this little plant up last year while we were on holiday in the South West, I have had numerous cuttings from it, it's a succulent "Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi"or it's more common name is "cream scallops" it's a tough little plant it's survived our very hot drought ridden Summer this year and the coldest winter last year.
it's started to sprout little tiny flowers on the rim of it's leaf..

We are enjoying family around tonight, I have seen all six of our Grandies today in twos and fours.
Our own grown up children have recently been scattered, our daughter in Melbourne with hubby, middle son in Queensland (due to fly home tonight after a week on business) and our youngest son just arrived home from Albany.
At the Moment I can here the four little ones chatting away laughing and just enjoying catching up with each other.
A very hectic day but its so rewarding at the end of it!!

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