Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc


I met with some guttering guys to figure out what to do with the overflows during heavy downpours. The downspouts at the upper levels are old and the angular shapes are apparently what's causing the slow down, "one leaf is all it takes to block those." They'll be back Friday, they think... I hadn't been expecting them at all as no one at their offices had returned my call on Monday but obviously the message had reached the guys. Lucky that I was in!

Rolled up the living room rug in preparation for the new one's delivery tomorrow. Hard work; moving furniture off, vacuuming, mopping, moving furniture back - which I'll have to move again tomorrow :-). I've left the rug rolled up on the floor and will wait to move that when I have help.

I noticed these two sunbathing kitties from my office window. I knew they'd run away if I opened the back door so I went upstairs to the balcony. Even then I was only able to get two shots before the little one ran away from my presence and the click of the shutter. Big cat didn't seem particularly bothered by me. I see the little one regularly, it visits the garden every day and scratches its claws on the door mat. The big cat is new to me, I think they could well be related.

As you can see, another splendid spring day, a high of 64ºF.

Now I need to go get the dry cleaning.

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