
By Tommy0161

Alexandra Park, Manchester

Alexandra Park between Walley Range and Moss Side was laid out as a Victorian Park. There are pictures of it with Victorian ladies promenading in it when the area was one of the smartest parts of the city in which to live. The area changed and the park deteriorated. It was in a sorry, overgrown state in places a few years ago and quite dangerous in parts where dubious people could go about their dodgy business.

The area is on the up again and lottery money was secured to restore the park to its Victorian slendour. The terrace where the Victorian ladies would promenade admiring the flower beds is being restored. The parks buildings are being brought back into use and the lake is being renovated.

Surprisingly, to me at least, some people objected to the renovation. To return the park to how it was they had to cut down some of the trees and this seemed to upset some people who moved in a set up a tented camp. Well the trees eventually came down, not that you would notice they'd gone in this verdant park, and the people in tents moved on, possibly to Barton Moss where there's been an anti fracking camp for a while now.

This isn't the most beautiful of shots but it is of the half filled lake while they restore it. I wonder where the water comes from? There are no streams running into it but I guess they must have a way of filling it up again. Or maybe we are banking on another wet winter?

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