Edible world

By RawAppetite

Beetroot for breakfast

It's deep and sweet and pretty. Grown up Ribena or Vimpto.

If you close your eyes it's easy to imagine you are getting a blood infusion because as the flavour pops in your mouth, the juice really does feel like itsnot just reaching but dancing into every cell. Nutritionally, it contains powerful antioxidant and antinflammatory properties so the vibes are good at every level.

I hated beetroot as a child, but then it was always served boiled and slimey like a piece of liver, or fericiously pickled. Simply grated raw it is a completely different food, but simply juiced, it sings - at least to me it does. I love it with pineapple or carrot but today it was a mix of cucumber, celery and apple. Slurp!

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