Meet Benson

Absolutely shattered today - didn't get to bed until after two and took a while to get to sleep. I have absolutely no idea how Lottie kept going and feel bad now that I didn't insist we leave earlier but she was having such a good time and didn't want to go back to my brothers' early. Bad mummy!

We had our breakfast cooked for us and then had a visit to a local garden centre / farm shop where, had we had a new house or not had to travel so far home, I could have spent a fortune!

Managed to grab some shots of Benson the kitten before we set off for home - he belongs to Mitchell, my brother's sort of stepson. Charlotte has fallen in love but hubby has categorically stated that we are not having a cat!

The journey home was a good one but I was so tired - so glad I was sensible last night and only had a few tipples so it was just tiredness! Unfortunately travelling meant that I haven't been able to take advantage of the gorgeous weather, lets hope it lasts!

Off to bed now - another bad week ahead so need some sleep. Hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I will catch up with you soon x

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