Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Woke at 6.30 this morning, knowing that was me awake. Far too early.
Had a small breakfast and asked for advice on Facebook for any walk suggestions; am fed up of doing the same ones and I knew I needed distraction today. Lots of suggestions came forward.

A bit later I headed out for another breakfast, and on the way passing Grandma’s Care Home. I looked over and I could see her in her room. All of a sudden the tears started and I had to pull over. I am finding it difficult accepting that is where she is now. My head knows it is the right place for her but my heart feels sorry for her that she is not at home and that she has lost her independence.

I ended up at the House of Binns, walking around the grounds as the House isn’t open ‘til June. It was such a peaceful place, I felt like I was the only person for miles. It was perfect and what I needed after yesterday.
I was heading back to the car when something moving caught my eye. The peacocks weren’t out freely but in their area where we couldn’t go. I’m glad I took my long lens.

When I was out with the camera, nothing was in my head apart from what I was seeing. As soon as I was back in the car, however, and at home it was a different story. Feeling emotional and tense.
I have a busy week ahead with an appointment every day ‘til Wednesday, all relating to my depression. I keep telling myself to take one day at a time; easier said.

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