On the right track?

I got home at lunch time thinking I had only my second free Sunday afternoon since the beginning of October. I wanted to use it to slay a monster (job that needs doing and is nagging) but also it was a glorious afternoon and I fancied a walk. A short walk and then to work sounded good but I then remembered there was somewhere I was supposed to be at 3pm!

I managed an hours walk. Having lived on estates for the last 14yrs it is quite novel to be able to walk from my house on to country footpaths. I went to explore a small loop, which proved a bit longer than I expected and I had to rush back and do an immediate change and about turn to get back out.

Although the sun was glorious I didn't do very well with photographs. I quite liked this one with its parallel tracks eventually joining as one. It felt quite appropriate for reflection.

Back home late afternoon. Now I need to try and slay that monster!

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