
By JanetH

Fairy Glen waterfall

I was very impressed with the camera club today. The weather didn't put people off and there were eleven of us, the largest number yet. It had been raining but it stopped before we set off and only rained a little bit while we were out. The conditions were good for the time of year and everyone really entered into the experience, looking hard for details in the wood and taking things they probably wouldn't normally.

We were out for 2hrs and then returned to church for our packed lunches and time for everyone to sort out ten photos for display. Some found that an interesting challenge as they had many more they liked. Photos were then displayed on the big screen for all to see. There was a lovely atmosphere all day and we had some fun and laughter.

I chose to blip the waterfall and have added three other photos to my camera club set. Don't worry, I'm not expecting blipbuddies to keep looking at my other account, although you're more than welcome to, the links are more for my reference.

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