At Ruardean: Smashing mash

Its a treat to take pictures in a professional kitchen. For a start its quite an education. Everything is done on a faster and more efficient level. I know this, because I home cook all my own meals for my family. I know what its like to multitask whisking a roux sauce for Cauliflower cheese whilst fending off a child's complex questioning or untying a knotted shoe lace. I know what its like to run out of mixing bowls and whisks when your everyone in your kitchen decides to bake at the same time.

This just doesn't happen in a pro kitchen. Well it doesn't when I'm looking. The people here are just good multitaskers and their tools are so much bigger. When I am pain stakingly bashing my masher around my pan of potatoes. The chefs at are winding theirs through a mashing machine. Its still done the same as mine, plenty of butter and a touch of milk to add the creamy texture.

This mash is creamed onto the top of delicious cottage pies. Mine is a for a child to help themselves to a mountain of mash to lay their sausages against. The two are the same. They end up on a family table amongst happy faces and warm smiles.

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