At Ruardean: Tasty Tomatoes....x
I have a love/hate relationship with tomatoes. That strictly depends on what type of tomatoes I put in my shopping basket. Tomatoes can behave a little like marmite. Just when you think you have a good sweet one, that first bite sees your hopes for a summer taste quashed.
All you want is an off the vine experience, or at least an italian veranda in the hot summer sun type of tomato taste. Its not too much to ask for.
Just lately I have been running into tomatoes a lot. Its been a pleasant meeting too. I find lots of vine tomatoes in a local shop. I am eating them like sweets. This surprises me, since I would ordinarily steer clear, fearing their bitter state.
These ones, are not up for munching. These ones are the ingredients for Lodge Farm Kitchen. Their homemade meals are packed with high quality ingredients. I fact the process is much the same as the meals you might prepare for your son /daughter as they leave for university. Just food, no fussing, no adding. A clean taste, no let down. A bit like a juicy well grown tomato.
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