
By intothehills


I shy away from Blipping about others most of the time - this is my journal and they didn't (usually) ask to be in it. But I have interactions with some people that are fundamental to who & what I am - they shape not just my days and experiences, but my views and beliefs and understanding of the world.
I'm very much a 'doing' sort of person - I learn kinaesthetically - I savour the process, the moment. I would never describe myself as creative. But I'm married to a wonderful artist, someone who starts with a blank canvas and creates a thing of beauty. Despite years together I remain in awe of this - I've watched her paint many a time, I'm often asked for opinion - and yet, each time a work is finished I'm genuinely amazed - I've seen the parts but am always taken away by the whole. She tells me that it is the same process as climbing - the steady application of practised skills - but I can see and feel that there is more to it than that and I'm impressed by all those that can do this thing, whatever their medium.

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