Dog and baba

Yet another unlikely pub name....

Morning on the ghats, north of the guest house...

An odd day, spent some of the morning in the blue lassi where I had the best kassi I have ever tasted..coconut...but the shoo is just round from the main burning ghat, which meant that, as we were sitting at the window, there was procession of corpses being carried past. But that seems to be Varanasi. In either direction there's a burning ghat and there always seems to be fires burning. Its odd, death here is just a part of the daily routine. I wondered how it would feel but the place just carries you along...there's a really odd and quite beautiful feeling here. Totally mad, India condensed maybe, but such an amazing place is my first opinion and, suddenly, no rush to move on... next full moon is holi and there's a toll block on the ghats run by the local kids to collect money for holi, which I think will be wondrous kind of thinking to stay til then....its probably a bit chilly still further north....

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