My Best Efforts - Year 3


Yet Another Flower!!!.....

.............sorry but it's pouring with rain so I'm not going out! It's alright having a Rollator ( a posh 4-wheeled walking aid thing with a seat and a basket) but if it is raining, the carpet in the hall gets filthy when I bring it in when I come home! The front door fits very tightly - if I was to put a mat down, the door wouldn't open!

Anyway, that is why you have another flower from Anni's bouquet - however, I do think it is lovely.

Tomorrow is "hair cutting" day again, so Anni will be coming over - whether she will stay for lunch, I don't know as I she is extremely busy at the moment but I have prepared a casserole just in case - if she doesn't stay, it will keep!

I shall miss her coming over whilst she is on her visit to the States very shortly - especially as I am not allowed to drive at the moment but, hey, it's not the end of the world! I really hope she has a wonderful time! I know she can hardly wait.

I am really looking forward our joint visit in June - we should be there for Independence Day too.

Grey, cloudy and raining - not cold at 49 Deg. F. but not the most cheerful of days.

Have a good day and a nice weekend.

Looking back. I have found it is almost exactly one year since I fell down the stone steps whilst I was leaving the Theatre! I think it must have been a pre-curser of what was to come this year and on 7th 0f March 2013, I didn't go far either!! I blipped primulas.

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