Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I'm sure I must have seen this phrase before but today it really jumped out at me. STRESSED. DESSERTS. Definitely desserts! I'm a dessert girl. I'll have main course and dessert rather than starters and main. And the picture on the right is the dessert G & I shared this evening. Cool eh? The waiter very kindly cut two different desserts in half so we could both have . . . both!!!

SO GLAD for it being the weekend. Spent a few hours in Dubai Mall straight after work doing various things including trying to spend 100 dirhams in Virgin as I was given a gift voucher by my Secret Santa. Didn't find anything I really wanted/needed. There you go... A girl who has everything and doesn't need anything and has a birthday coming up and is causing some major headache to a few close friends!!

And Eric Clapton is playing in Dubai tonight and I could have gone but declined. Lionel Richie is coming next month! Hope your weekend comes soon enough for you if you are really waiting for it!!! :))

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