Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


It has been another glorious sunny day with temperatures well into the teens. I have spent most of the day on the phone dealing with work and admin so that is a part preparation for the work that awaits me on my return. I did buy a car too which I saw online, to replace the current one. It is a newer version of the same car I have at present but a different colour and with a few more gadgets on it. It is amazing how easy salesmen make it to part with your money even when you are in another country. The car should be delivered next Saturday.
I thought I would make my last blip a view of the houses below us. I love the village roofscape with all those pan tiles arranged at odd angles. It always makes me think of the south.
Please accept my apologies if my comments are a bit thin over the next few days while I am travelling.

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