Doing some colouring xxx :-)
Awwww babba girl had a very sore bottom last night and today, I think from all those s's yesterday :-( I think it even hurt her to have the cream on :-( not good.
Today's daily diary nursery entry...
Date: 5/3/14
Key worker: (Buddy) Gemma
Breakfast: weetabix
Snack: banana and orange
Lunch: chicken casserole and yoghurt
Tea: crackers, cheese and grapes
Bottles: am left 3oz, pm left 1oz
Sleep: 12.30-1.25pm
Nappies: 10.45w, 1.45s, 4.30s
Activities: Eva was very happy being swung in the swing outside today, kicking her legs and smiling. Eva also showed an interest in mark making today doing pictures for Spring.
Awww, I fetched her at around 5pm today, and she was over the other side of the room as I walked in, but came speed crawling over to me to be picked up when she saw me :-)
We played with her toys when we got back and she had some Mommy milk and cuddles on my lap, then Jake came down and played with her too. One of the things Jake does when he sees her is pretends to sneeze and says a big "Achooo!" Eva has started copying him and saying "Achooo!" back, it comes out as a "Aaa-dtaa!" it is so so so so cute and she says it back with a smile and knows it's just a game. It's so lovely.
I've just realised she had grapes for dessert after dinner tonight, so she's had them twice today then, oh well. Xxx
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