Pancake Day xxx
I had a meeting in Rugby with the team today, so needed to get Eva to nursery earlier than usual. Despite me getting up at 6.30am, I still seemed to run out of time. I tried to just give Eva a little milk as I knew she'd have breakfast as soon as she got to nursery, but she kept crying and signing for "milk" "milk" "milk" and crawling across the bed to me as I was trying to get dressed. In the end, I thought, this is ridiculous, let her have some more milk, if I'm a few minutes late I'm a few minutes late. I felt too guilty not letting her. I soon had my happy baby girl back :-) and felt glad that I'd taken a step back to be Mommy. As it was, I arrived a few minutes early for my meeting, so all was good.
Today's photo (I'm actually using a pic from tomorrow and am typing this up tomorrow night and actually back blipping, oops). Love the pic of Eva with some of her teddies on our bed, she practically says "teddy" now :-) :-) :-)
Today's daily diary nursery entry...
Date: 4/3/14
Key worker: (Buddy) Sarah
Breakfast: weetabix
Snack: peaches
Lunch: cottage pie, yoghurt
Tea: pancake, fruit, icecream
Bottles: 12.10 left 3oz, 3.30 drank all
Sleep: 12.30-1.15pm
Nappies: 11.05s, 12ch, 12.20s, 1.30s, 2.45w, 4.30s
Activities: Eva really enjoyed pancake play today :-) she loved putting her hands in the tray and scooping it out and into her mouth!
Signed: Sarah
Mike collected Eva from nursery as I didn't get home til nearly 6.30pm. He was giving her her dinner as I walked in. I got lots of cuddles and kisses after she'd eaten, think she was definitely happy to see Mommy xxx
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