Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Thomas is upset that his sports shots do not feature in my journal. So today, although Luke had yet another all day hockey tournament (what about his A levels lessons he is missing, you may well ask), and asked me to come along to watch, Thomas insisted that I rather go and support his match, for a change!

It was difficult to get any decent shots. They play hockey on the tennis courts so you are viewing through a wire net, which almost makes you go squint trying to watch through that constant interference in your line of vision, let alone taking photos through it. And the sun was in the wrong position - or rather where we had to stand to watch was in the wrong position for the sun! But I managed to get this one, and maybe another time if they are playing at a different venue I can get some clearer shots.

So, apologies for another hockey shot - with three children playing sport, these kind of shots are bound to fill my journal somewhat.

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