Let it snow, let it snow...

Wait a minute... After more than 230 inches of snow so far this year, we may have had enough... Lol, as though there's a choice.

Bigger snowdrops in large.

I noticed the suit feeders were low yesterday afternoon and absolutely forgot about filling them before dark. So first thing this morning they were empty; prime feeding time for the birds. Cursing myself for letting it slip my mind, I slipped my snow gear over my PJs and tromped through the deep snow to fill all the feeders on each side of the house. Can't have hungry birds and squirrels now can we? I did spent some time out there with a towel over my camera, as it was snowing pretty hard, but didn't feel like I got much. Then on my way in I placed the peanuts on the deck railing as I usually do. Only this time I loaded it up like crazy to give me extra chances at a good image (and to make it up to the starving birds). :)

This time I approached the bluejay images in a different way. Normally, I stand back (with my telephoto lens on) and allow enough room in the shot for movement of the bird. That way I'm less likely to cut off a body part or miss some action. But today I was too cold to continue to be outside so I stood right at the sliding door, telephoto lens on and only caught tight shots of each bird... Sometimes only their heads... or tails... or worse... and far too many to count. After all that I didn't get what I was after, so I'll have to try this approach again someday with different settings and better luck. But I did like some of the shots that I captured for other reasons. The snowdrops, in the one above, caught my eye. Not cropped for a change, just a little touch-up of the noise.

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