Unbelievable Sunshine!

Yes! The actual sun came out today! I felt a bit like a vampire at first... "What is this strange and burning light?" But quickly, it became the best day :) Broke out in a happy dance every so often... It's amazing how much you appreciate the sun when you've been deprived of it for so many days in a row.

I had all kinds of new found energy and took off on a trip into Traverse City. Walked the main street , with all the shops, then walked along the river where I snapped this guy. As well as a duck I don't seem to be able to identify. The handsome Mallard wins the blip as he is in the best focus and looking pretty dashing. See him looking extra handsome here.
(The unidentified duck is HERE. If anyone recognizes her, let me know.)

Still a bit chilly at 25F/-3.9C, but who would notice with all that SUNSHINE! I could have stayed out all day.

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