Mustard in the Vineyard

OilMan thought it was well worth it to drive to Healdsburg in the rain to pick up a case of wine at Medlock Ames, because we had the whole place to ourselves.* We visited it for the first time on Dana's recommendation because she was sure we would like the garden. She was right. From the deck overlooking the Alexander Valley we could sip wine and admire he neat vegetable boxes, the decomposed granite pathways, bocce court and old olive trees. But as we stood inside on that first day, OilMan looked around and said, "I could live here."

From there our imaginations took hold, and although we knew we didn't really want to live in the Medlock Ames tasting room, we had a vision we could pursue rather than just some kind of vague notion, which didn't seem to be taking shape as we trailed around after our realtor looking at a succession of dreary houses.

If it seems that we spend a lot of time going around to various wineries picking up cases of wine, it's true. At this time of year, we do. OilMan loves to join wine clubs which offer a case of wine every quarter at special prices. I say special because they are also usually special wines, considerably more expensive to begin with, and often not even obtainable in the grocery store. Several wineries have what are called "pick-up parties".

Medlock Ames does these parties at their vineyard, and it is always a good time. They have food, music, and of course, wine. One party featured the sheep, which are brought in to keep down the weeds between the vines. The shepherd, a fresh faced young man from Oregon, was there with his dogs ,and he talked to us about his role as we watched the dogs keeping the sheep in line. Interestingly enough, one of the food offerings, along with veggies from the garden, was lamb!

*I put a picture of OilMan checking out the wine in the tasting room in my Blipfolio under People.

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