
By Wildwood

Cherry Blossoms

I set out this morning with OilMan and Ozzie to take pictures of the cotton candy cherry trees, but wound up liking this picture of a few blossoms on the pavement. it's amazing how the lovely delicate blossoms can make even the lowly sidewalk look interesting--although from the flak I caught from OilMan and Dana, when they saw me crouched over the ground, they obviously didn't see the artistic charm point.

I took a whole brand new batch of prescriptions, fresh from the doctor's hand to the pharmacy yesterday. Three out of four were waiting for me today when I went to pick them up. I didn't bother to wait for the explanation of why the fourth one wasn't there.

The rest of the afternoon has been spent vacuuming and dusting (Just in time for David to come back on Monday morning) finding places for a few more kitchen items, and rearranging decor items. I am not going to do this again. The boxes are being destroyed and taken to the recycle center. There is an informal countdown going on. OilMan says there are eight boxes in the garage, but I forgot to ask him if these are "seasonal items" which will live in the garage, junk awaiting removal, or things we might actually want. If they are the latter, I can't imagine what they are, or where we would put them in this house. It's tempting to haul away these boxes without looking inside. The kitchen stuff in the boxes in the house should have a home soon.

The knobs and pulls for the kitchen cupboards and drawers arrived, each one individually wrapped in special cloth and a little plastic bag. Each set of screws was wrapped in another plastic bag. They're nice, but not exactly the crown jewels. More trash for the recycle container. Trying to live lightly on the planet isn't always so easy. There was an article in Sunset magazine last month (I'm just getting around to reading it) which chronicled a San Francisco family that had decided to "step back from high tech." Having just explored the possibilities of getting a new, simpler stove and finding them to cost more than the one I have, I found this young family to be rather smug and vaguely annoying. Someone in a letter to the editor apparently agreed when she she wrote, "Do you know how much a cool, retro, non-LED stove costs? It takes a lot of money to live like you have no money."

Speaking of grandmother's clock is on borrowed time probation. It strikes the correct hour at the correct time, but doesn't seem inclined to keep time at all for more than a couple of hours. I reinstalled the pendulum. If that doesn't work, then he may become just another useless decor item sitting on the shelf, or, worse yet, in a box in the garage.

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